Sunday, October 19, 2008


well ladies and gents, after a long respite, I'm back on the road...back traveling. I've got a healthy week of work here in Good old Joplin Missouri. If you've been following my travels like I know alot of you have been, you'll remember that Missouri is the home of the Shit hotel, and the Sexual Bible.

I'm trying not to be judgemental in this electrically charged political climate we're living in, but so far, my trip to Missouri hasn't been a skittles-rainbow quite yet.

I did come here thinking it would be a similar experience to my last trip...but its as as different experience from the last time as the rocks I'm now working in: Paleozoic Carbonate rocks instead of Pre-cambrian rhyolitic gneisses. (I'm rolling around in the Mississippian aged "St." prefixed rocks).

I hope to have some good posts coming up, I work for a different company with different people, and using different methods. Though as I sit here in my hotel, using all the outlets to charge various meters, data-loggers, laptops, gps's, etc... I kinda feel a sense of deja vu. we go, I hope to have more to say tomorrow after a day of work.

I believe this is what they call a Missouri 6 course meal.


Karen said...

A well-rounded meal!

Sontavas said...

Shit, How many laptops do you need with your new job? If the number of field computers is any indication of the hierarchy in career developement than you my friend have made it big time..

Anonymous said...

i love the four pack: "8 fewer ounces, 2 fewer cans - for the conservative drunk".

Joe said...

yes, yes...I'm on my way back to denver now, currently in my checked baggage I have 3 tablet PC's, 2 Trimble geoxt gps's, and 2 charging stations.

I had toi pay the Extra $75 charge for an overwieght bag.

my new company is all about "paperless" field work, so we record everything on the tablet PC's and use GPS.

kinda cool in one way, kinda lame in another.

Joe said...

and yeah, camoflage colored 4-pack of miller high life tallboys.

life's good when its combined with rice crispie treats